Call (360) 431-2889

Services & Rates

Genealogy Services

Do you like to research your own family tree? What about doing it for other people? Look no further! We offer services which will give any person the ability to find out everything there is to know about their maternal line geneology.

We can help you discover ethnic origins, birth locations, and even uncover potential secrets like affairs or adoptions. We can trace your family tree back as far as necessary and provide you with the most accurate and detailed information on your ancestors.

We use a wide variety of resources to research your family history. What is even more exciting about our service is that we can tell you how you are related to notable people throughout history!

If there is something in particular that you want to learn about your family history, we will do everything in our power to find the answer. Our service is not limited to just your mother’s ancestors. We can research paternal line geneology too!

We offer a range of different packages for all budgets and needs. Contact Renee today and let us start helping you discover what secrets your family holds!

Contact Renee

Adoptee Birth Parent Search Services
Adoption Genealogy Research Services

Adoption: A unique way of finding your birth parents

At some point in their lives, adopted individuals and biological relatives may choose to look for one another. Adoption records might be a starting point for a search depending on the state where the adoption took place as well as the circumstances of the adoption.

Locate Missing Heirs Beneficiaries

Looking for Lost Relatives?

Family Ties DNA’s lost relatives search may help you locate long-forgotten family members. Family Ties DNA makes it simple and quick to discover long-lost relatives. Whether you’re looking for missing relatives, misplaced family, or trying to find long-lost relatives, Family Ties DNA is the most effective genealogical search service out there.

Missing Heir Search Services

Trace Your Ancestry

Renee assists you in learning more about your ancestors, including where they lived, where they migrated during their lives, and whose populations were mixed up with your ancestors’ green pools, among other things.

Affordable Ancestry Research Services

DNA Color Coding is a better way to find your Ancestry

The use of DNA color coding will assist you in determining where they fit on your tree. Direct communication with your matches is also possible. However, it might not be very reassuring when your matches do not respond.

Reliable Family Tree Research Services

Map Family Tree

Renee makes it even easy to learn about your ancestors. Simply input the facts you know about yourself and your family to get started. Renee will provide pop-up tips to assist you in filling in the missing parts of your family history jigsaw as you fill in more facts and become puzzled. Furthermore, with over 12 billion historical documents in their database, you’re bound to find some fascinating family stories and relatives to add to your tree!
Trusted Family Tree Researcher Online

Inheritance Protection

Renee helps legal and trust professionals identify lost heirs and fulfill their fiduciary obligations by providing forensic genealogy search services.
We understand that hearing from us out of the blue about receiving an inheritance may appear to be a hoax. Please understand that we are a genuine company with hundreds of happy customers.

Call Renee
(360) 431-2889


Color Coding – $50 only

Research Pricing ~
1 Hour $75.00
5 Hours $350
25 Hours $1,625 (monthly payments available)
50 Hours $3,000 (monthly payments available)
Unlimited Hours $9,500 (monthly payments available)

Law Enforcement Special Pricing – Call for information (360) 431-2889

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